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About Us
Hendersons Travel in Hawick and Kelso Travel in Kelso are locally owned and operated travel agencies in the Scottish Borders trading as managed branches of Hays Travel.
Hendersons Travel started in its present form in 1968 and Kelso Travel was opened in 1983. Over the years both branches have gained a reputation for offering top-class service to the communities of the Scottish Borders. Our friendly staff have the experience, knowledge and technology to help find you the right holiday at the right price.
Hays Travel is the UK's largest travel agency group. Now a UK-wide company, its roots in the north-east of England serve Borderers particularly well with an enhanced offering from Newcastle Airport. Annual turnover of more than £2bn creates enormous buying power, while Hays Travel’s cutting-edge technology offers new levels of efficiency. Fully ABTA and ATOL bonded, Hays Travel offers complete financial security.
We are Members of ABTA with membership numbers P8253 and P8252. That means you have the benefit of ABTA’s assistance and Code of Conduct. We provide financial protection for your money when you buy a package holiday. If you buy other travel arrangements such as accommodation on its own, this protection doesn’t apply - please ask us to confirm what protection applies to your booking. For more information about ABTA click here.
Our booking conditions can be found here.
For customers' complete financial protection, all flights and package holidays including flights are covered by ATOL. When you pay, the ATOL-protected elements of your holiday (such as flights, hotels and other services) will be listed on the ATOL Certificate given to you – please check all expected items are listed on it. For information about ATOL, click here. For more information about the ATOL Certificate, click here.
Our package holidays are also covered by the Package Travel Regulations 2018. For more information on package holidays and what protection the regulations offer, click here.
We offer travel insurance to cover the cost of termination of a holiday by the client or the cost of assistance, including repatriation, in the event of accident, illness or death. Please ask us for cover options and a quote.
ABTA offers a holiday checklist for disabled and less mobile passengers.
Please refer to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office for advice and information about the countries you are visiting, including visas, passports and health, and consult the FCDO's Travel Aware service to help make informed decisions about travelling abroad. Use the Passport Service to apply for, renew or replace your passport. Further information about the health requirements of the country you will be visiting, including vaccinations, can be found here and here.
No fees apply for payment by debit card, credit card, cash or bank transfer. We no longer accept payment by American Express or cheque.
We offer ABTA’s scheme for the resolution of disputes which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. If we can’t resolve your complaint, use ABTA’s simple procedure.
Hendersons Travel Agencies Ltd is registered in Scotland, company number SC248866. VAT no 919 7161 02. Registered office: 18 High Street, Hawick TD9 9EH.
Hays Travel Ltd is registered in England, company number 01990682. VAT no 193 1671 95. Registered office: Gilbridge House, Keel Square, Sunderland SR1 3HA.
Where our website has links to external, third-party websites, we are not responsible for the content of those sites.
For a text-only version of our website, please click here.
For further information about any of the above, please contact us.